They have also added user level control where you can manually authenticate contacts in your list as “trusted” which will change the lock colour to green. The company advises you to update to the latest version of Viber to get this added security where you will be notified your chats are now encrypted. “We have been working on this for a long time and proud that our users can confidently use Viber without fear of their messages being intercepted” the company assured users on their blog.
As you know end to end encryption means that the chats are secured on both your end and of the recipient. Viber is now the latest platform to announce end-to-end encryption on their platform. One of the ways to make them feel safe is by making sure their chats are not intercepted by any third party and that has been the trend for the last couple of months. The issue of privacy in the social networking apps has become a raging debate and it has led to these companies adding measures to ensure that their users feel safe on their platforms.